
I'm Noah. It's nice to meet you. Welcome to my developer portfolio.


a trivia game, generated automatically daily

  • front-facing website powered by HTML, CSS, JS, Vue.js, the Bulma CSS Framework, Node.js, and Express, with the daily gameboard drawn from a MongoDB database
  • behind the scenes, a scheduled Python script populates the MongoDB database with daily gameboards, ensuring that letters and themes are properly randomized to ensure variability
  • deployed on replit

Giftworlds Wiki

a generated knowledge base for the members of a TTRPG campaign

  • local version designed with Obsidian-managed directories of markdown files
  • public version generated with Quartz
  • deployed on replit


an automatically compiled report of market data for selected cryptocurrencies for viewing at leisure

  • script written with Python
  • interfaces with the CoinMarketCap API
  • planned deployment with custom account features for public usage on replit

Trading Script

a prototype for automatic cryptocurrency trading on the BinanceUS exchange platform

  • script written with Python with connection to a MongoDB database
  • interfaces with the Binance API
  • scheduled to utilize market data and predetermined thresholds to automate selling and buying with the goal of ensuring profitable practices

Sailing Game

a roguelike resource management game inspired by traditional seasonal maritime migration

four ninety-two

a multiplayer turn-based game of conflict, diplomacy, and economy inspired by classic strategy board games

  • front-facing website powered by HTML, CSS, JS, Vue.js, the HTML5 Canvas, the W3 CSS Framework, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Session, MongoStore, and
  • behind the scenes, a Python script parses SVG files and generates JSON files with a region coordinate system and game data for playable maps
  • product of collaboration for undergraduate senior project with Bradley Aiken

Community Garden Website

multi-purpose message board, announcement system, calendar, and volunteer task list

  • front-facing website powered by HTML, CSS, JS, Vue.js, the W3 CSS Framework, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, and
  • additionally handled research, communications management, and survey programming
  • product of collaboration for undergraduate honors school project with Bradley Aiken and Kevin Pecci

Steam Game Modding

manipulating program files to produce a desired result

  • requires intimate understanding of directory file system and program processes
  • exercise in testing, debugging
  • a fun way to learn and improve at a hobby